A research project on open strategy?

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This project builds upon the research on open strategy by exploring the challenges of participation and self-management in strategy processes. The proponents of open and participatory approaches argue that involving organization´s participants in setting organizational direction and strategy increases motivation, commitment, and goal alignment. Participation leads to commitment, which, in turn, fosters autonomy and engagement. It also helps in reducing position bias and enhancing decision quality by tapping into collective intelligence. However, participatory construction of shared goals presents challenges that require careful process design. Without a well-designed process, participatory goal-setting can lead to tensions, power struggles, slowed decision-making, unmet expectations, and counterproductive outcomes.

This research project aims to explore these dynamics of participation in open strategy work and practices related to open strategizing, which has emerged as a valuable area of research for understanding different forms of participation management. The project focuses on four organizations, each offering a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities of open strategizing. Cutting edge tech companies from Finland, Reaktor and Futurice, are self-managing organizations that provide insights into the balance between strategy, participation, and self-management. Burning Man represents the challenge of balancing centralized planning with emergent communal self-organizing and finally, Wikimedia offers a perspective on engagement of crowds in strategy processes.

These sub-projects will examine how to design participation in self-managing organizations, how to balance centralized planning and emergent self-organizing, and how to engage large crowds in the formulation of strategy. Through the examination of varying levels of openness in strategy, the project aims to identify similarities and contrasting dynamics where each sub-project addresses specific research questions and offers practical insights. By studying organizations recognized for decentralization and broad participation, the research project aims to illuminate the design choices and conditions essential for successful implementation of participatory strategies.

The primary objectives of this research project are to gain a profound comprehension of the challenges, dynamics, and best practices associated with open strategy. The project aims to contribute to scientific knowledge by publishing its findings in top-tier management journals. Furthermore, the research endeavors to have practical implications by enhancing open strategy management practices. Given that many organizations have established formalized strategy processes, the project recognizes that a lack of understanding regarding participation at different levels can impede their commitment. To address this, the project will conduct various outreach activities, including seminars, workshops, guidebooks, and articles, to disseminate its insights and improve the understanding and implementation of open strategy in organizations.